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'Lia Light' Malia Carvalho

Transformation Coach, Kundalini Yoga Instructor, Tantric Guide & Sacred Ceremony Facilitator




Los Angeles, California

My Journey

As I write this, I am reflecting on how seven years ago today, I had my first meeting with the shamanic plant medicine Mother Ayahuasca.  I could start my journey from that night on January 22nd, 2016, but really my transformation began long before then through dreams, music, the ocean and my body.   


Since the beginning, I had a strong connection to my body- maybe it was gymnastics, dance, swimming and my natural self-love I embraced.  From a young age I discovered how self-pleasure could be the key to unlocking heightened awareness, mastery of the Self, confidence, creativity, alleviation of anxiety and bring balance of the feminine and masculine to the world. I'm not sure I could verbalize all of that at the time or if I fully understood its power, but at my core I knew, the mind-body connection would lead me to my ultimate spiritual path.


In 2009 I transitioned from vegetarian to vegan when I learned of the severe cruelty afflicted upon both animals and humans and the environmental impact of the meat and dairy industry. At that time my diet became rich in fruits, vegetables and nutrients and I started enjoying foods from all different cultures around the world. I learned about fasting and juicing and began to treat my body as my temple. The results were instant-karma-in-action; not only did my body feel and look healthier and my anxiety and depression minimize, my planetary consciousness quickly began to expand. 


Shortly after in 2011, I began my therapeutic massage practice and had the opportunity to learn about all different types of bodies, injuries, stressors and the gift of recharging myself while helping others.  Shortly there after, I began to practice yoga and the mind-body connection began to strengthen like never before.   Broadening my awareness of myself and all beings on this planet lead me to develop a strong sense of empathy, heighten my intuition and I began to feel the interconnectedness of nature. In December of 2015 I swam with a pod of about 300 spinner dolphins and their calfs, off the west shore of Oahu.  As I dove under the water, they formed a circle around me and they seemed to communicate to me that everything was ok, everything was perfect.  Looking back, this was part of a living dream that began to radiate through my entire being. 


On January 22nd, 2016 I met Mother Ayahuasca at a beautiful sanctuary in the desert.  I sat in ceremony guided by music, sounds and silence for two consecutive nights.  On the first night I stayed put in my spot from 7pm-7am the next morning, completely blown away by all I had experienced.  From that night, through this four year journey, Ayahuasca has ignited the spirit in and all around me, rattled my ego, kicked out my depression for good, alleviated my social anxiety, connected me with my most powerful feminine divine, showed me the most beautiful art far beyond human creation and taught me how to sing with my authentic voice.  She dragged me through all the pain and suffering in the world and showed me how making myself suffer wouldn’t heal the world and only keeping myself energetic and free could fill me with all the 'light' I need to shine on to the world. She connected me with my transitioned grandmothers and revealed to me there is even love in pain and how the universe is in complete balance. She has taught me how to feel gratitude to my core and I am grateful for all of her teachings. 


In the past seven years, I have transformed what was a simple bodywork practice into a full blown healing arts lifestyle. I took a 200 hour yoga teacher training, I fell in love with Kundalini yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan and I maintain a consistent morning sadhana practice.  I have studied and practiced several forms of tantra and have developed offerings my clients love and I am always learning more information to share and I continue to grow myself.  


In 2018 my husband and I birthed Sacred Gatherings, a beautiful community of vibrant souls, lifting one another with song and space for healing. In 2019 I studied Yoga Psychology with Ashley Turner and I implement her teachings in my sessions.   In 2022 I completed a wonderful program called Being True To You and I am now a certified psychedelic integration and psycho-spiritual life coach. 


I smile when I think about what else life will bring and all of the incredible human beings I will have the honor of working with and who are part of my journey already. If I may simply lead you in the direction of where you are destined to travel, I am available for guidance. Blessings on your journey. 



  • Certified Psycho-Spiritual & Psychedelic Integration Coach (2021)

  • Yoga. Psyche. Soul. (Yoga Psychology) (2018)

  • Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho Level 1 and 2 (2017)

  • 200hr Registered Yoga Alliance Instructor (2016)

  • AA - Studio Art - Design (2015)

  • 500hr California Certified Massage Therapist (2011)

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